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We at Reclaimed Project know children pay the price of oppression and injustice that are symptoms of a broken world. We partner with communities to build sustainable solutions so that the most vulnerable can experience freedom and justice.

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Every child should be set up to succeed by their community.


Our vision is to see every community develop and implement a plan that effectively lifts up, strengthens, and inspires every child and every vulnerable member of the community with God’s love and His purpose for their lives.

We envision a world where the steady stream of God’s Kingdom flows through our communities; bringing healing, giving life, and providing for the needs of each person: Reclaiming God’s original design for humanity. God’s Kingdom reclaiming the earth.

Matthew 6:9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”


Our Approach:

We partner with communities to invest in young people, equipping them with the tools they need to be lead and develop sustainable solutions dedicated to the spiritual, emotional, and physical development.


  • Initiate Healthy Community Engagement

    We begin by engaging community leadership and structures including government entities, schools, churches, and other community organizations in order to listen, learn, and assess the real needs of the community.

  • Cultivate a Culture of Discipleship

    In everything we do, we want to intentionally make disciples of Christ. We do this by focusing on making a deep investment in a few, rather than just seeking to attract large numbers. Our goal is to grow disciples of Christ and multiply leaders who can make an exponential impact on the community in the future.

  • Develop Sustainable Solutions

    We want to be a part of solutions that far outlast Reclaimed and the resources that we are able to provide. We want to invest in community systems and structures that will greatly enhance the communities ability to care for young people for years to come, not just for today. Whether it is investing in the public school system, or creating new economic development opportunities for individuals and the community, we want every dollar that we spend to make the biggest and longest lasting impact possible.