Crossway Church Team in Lesotho

We had a fantastic week with our team from Crossway Church in Vicksburg, MS! Several members returned from last year's team to host our second annual S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) camp for our older kids at the care centers.
Last year, the team taught electrical skills. This year they taught carpentry skills and led our students in workshops where they got to build their own desks for our new school. Each morning, the team shared testimonies and spent time in discussion groups with our students. There was a lot of fruitful discipleship and relationship building over the course of the week.
Students really enjoyed building their desks and took a lot of pride in their completed work. It felt like we were all working together to invest in our school and make it a great place for our students. We are thankful for Crossway Church and its continued investment in our ministry in Lesotho!