Untethered by Allison Barnhill


Is this world really passing away like a flower?


Being in Lesotho makes me realize how much I, as an American -from the land of plenty, view the world in a primarily physical way. We are able to provide physical relief because of our abundance. Because of this, we are often cast as the heroes in the narrative. Our African brothers and sisters make up for in spiritual depth what they lack in physical resources.

They view people as primarily spiritual beings with primarily spiritual problems. The longer I’m here- I feel my soul being untethered from the physical and invited into the spiritual. The solutions they have to offer a hurting world are not financial- they are days spent praying and fasting and watching God transform hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. They are long suffering in their intercession for others. They storm the gates of hell armed with the hope they have in Christ and they have STORIES to tell of miracles God did in answer to their prayers.

My African brothers and sisters more easily embrace the coming kingdom and know this life to be a dream. My heart is so wrapped up in the physical world that it’s hard for me to embrace spiritual realities. Heaven seems like a dream and this life SO real. The physical - so important!

Is this world really passing away like a flower? I feel like the rich young ruler- a camel trying to squeeze through the eye of the needle.

I am so concerned with making sure I’m not outwardly wasting away that I neglect being renewed inwardly day by day. Who is the beneficiary of the work happening here in Africa? Who is the hero? Why did God choose me for this?

I think He knew how much untethering from this world my soul needed and knew that my brothers and sisters in Africa could teach me and walk with me. What a joy that we can give away a little and receive so much. I kind of imagine us being freed from this spider web of our possessions and obsessions as we have chances to give. How kind of God every time He gives us a chance to give. A little less of the world to tangle us up. A little more of heaven here on earth.

Brett Barnhill